I think about three people read this blog, but life being a pointless endeavor in general, I see no reason to stop writing it entirely.
So, here's a massive dump of stuff I would have written about all along but is coming all at once:
+ I've started writing a science fiction book about a computer that acquires superhuman intelligence and starts taking over the world. I'm writing it because I think it is going to happen in our lifetimes. Not that the book follows my predictions - it is altered to be digestible to the teeming masses.
+ I broke up with my girlfriend a while ago. It was about as surreal as a breakup can get.
+ Relatedly, I have a theory about how to deal with trauma. You have to "write over" your memories by recreating associations with everything. Say you cooked brunch every Sunday with your girlfriend and then break up with her. By my Insano Formula, you should continue to cook brunch on Sundays, even if there is only one of you, etc etc. Analogy: when you delete something on a computer, the memory location is freed for something else to write over it, but it's not actually written over until something else writes to that memory address. So to REALLY erase it you have to write something there. In the human brain, memory addresses are encoded not by numbers, but by associations. Hence you have to write to the association, almost reliving your relationship! or whatever the trauma was.
+ I have been coming around to a theory that single people are "actually" happier than non-single people, despite what members of both parties may think. The previous two bullet points make it sound like I am mired in a bog. on the contrary, I'm doing pretty fine - about as well as you can do when you have Tiresias-like curse of prophecy. It's a general comment, not a comment on my previous relationship. In school, a professor showed us a graph illustrating how kids make people unhappy. It's not hard to imagine these things - we have urges and we know there are tradeoffs. But when you just want to do something, period, there may be a hefty price.
+ I can get "back in shape" in about a week. What a genetic blessing!
+ Adult Swim is the best programming on television. People who cannot appreciate it are bloated, torpid, eyeless slugs. They deserve to be an ingredient on fucking Top Chef.
+ When music is around, 90% of people often sorta feel like dancing in some way, but don't do it. But does anyone ever regret dancing? I would contend 'no' or almost never. What does this say about our ability to be vaguely conscious?
+ You are one of my 3 readers! It's nice to have you here! ;-).